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Winter 2023 Sponsored Projects at the College for Creative Studies

June 2, 2023

a student showing off shoe prototypes to a group of industry professionals

Over the course of the Winter semester, the College for Creative Studies hosted 13 sponsored projects and competitions across a variety of disciplines.

Students from Film and Illustration to Interior Design and Entertainment Arts were able to partner with local and global brands to work on a specific project tailored to meet the needs of our industry partners. 

Sponsored projects are highly conceptual and allow CCS students the opportunity to participate in creative, research-based assignments within real-world design parameters, interacting with designers and staff from the partnering company. The students worked on the following projects during the Winter semester.

  • 3M x MFA Transportation Design
  • Detroit Riverfront x Interior Design
  • General Dynamics x BFA Transportation Design
  • GM x BFA Transportation Design
  • Grand Prix x Illustration
  • John Deere x BFA Transportation Design
  • Leon Speakers x MFA Color & Materials Design
  • Movement x Advertising
  • VA x Film
  • PUMA Design Sprint x Product Design
  • Tapestry/Stuart Weitzman x Fashion Design
  • The Henry Ford x Glass (Art Practice/Crafts)
  • Virtual Reality ARC Project x Entertainment Arts

These educational partnerships were part of a CCS initiative focusing on experiential learning. President Don Tuski describes the concept here.
“At CCS, we define experiential learning as “learning by doing.” When students are engaging in experiential learning, they are given the opportunity to connect the skills that are learned in the classroom to real-world situations.”