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Advertising Design Students Take High Honors at 2019 Young Ones Awards

September 10, 2019

Seven CCS Advertising Design students created award-winning projects for the 2019 Young Ones Awards held in New York City in May. The prestigious advertising, interactive and design competition is sponsored by The One Club for Creativity, which has been showcasing the work of student and young professional creatives for 30 years.

Seniors Casey O’Brien and Sara Showers won a One Show Silver Pencil for their client brief for Burger, “Order #666,” a Halloween-inspired spoof. It was the only Pencil Award for a mobile campaign and tied for the top Pencil awarded for a Burger King brief. Senior Melissa Gallop won a Bronze Pencil for her Hewlett-Packard client brief, “Comfort is the Enemy of Creativity.”

Ashley Ward and Cali Novak won an ADC Merit Award for “Plantable Pencils,” a campaign for Sprout, and Stevie Miller and Patrick Schaenzel also won a Merit Award for their “Know the Difference Challenge” mobile campaign for the New York Times. All seven award winners are students of CCS Assistant Professor Philip McAvoy.