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3M Sponsored Research Project

January 23, 2019

3M Sponsored Research Project

Students from the graduate Transportation Design program and undergraduate Interaction/Communication Design program collaborated in small teams to develop system-focused narratives and prototypes that highlight 3M products through a series of “day-in-the-life” scenarios.

Concepts considered how users engage and interact with new interface paradigms as they relate to optics, materials and user feedback (e.g., haptics). Teams focused on 3M products and materials as a moving ecosystem, carefully considering how these products interact and connect to one another while seeking new market opportunities. User scenarios highlighted 3M technologies while considering how user experiences (and data flow) scale and connect within the home, the vehicle, the workplace and beyond (urban landscape, retail spaces, museums, etc.).

The kickoff meeting was September 1, 2018, and the first presentation by each team of their research was September 28. In attendance from 3M were Michelle Gebbie, Marketing Manager; Kevin Plesha, Global Business Manager; Jacob Vanderheyden, Lead Industrial Designer; Dennis Pierzynowski, Key Account Manager, Display Materials; and Ikuo Nishimoto, visiting from Tokyo.