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Types of Financial Assistance

There are many types of financial aid available to our students. Ninety-eight percent of students receive some combination of the following types of aid totaling approximately $33 million.

CCS Scholarships

Applicants to CCS are automatically considered for CCS Scholarships once they complete their admissions requirements. Awards are based on the portfolio review and academic achievement of the applicant and can vary from student to student during the admission process. Recipients must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 to continue receiving these scholarships.


Federal Pell Grant

A federally-funded grant-awarding $767 to $7395 per academic year for undergraduate students demonstrating high financial need.

Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG) Program

A federally-funded grant for undergraduate students demonstrating high financial need. Awards will be made to eligible students with the lowest expected family contributions who receive Pell Grants in that year.

CCS Tuition Grant

Institutionally-funded need-based grant program. Amounts vary based on need.

International Student Grant

New and returning International students are awarded $1,500 in the first semester of enrollment each academic year. This award is in addition to the CCS Scholarship/Award.

Undergraduate Loan Programs

There are three types of loans available to students and/or parents at CCS. The chart below gives you a thumbnail sketch of each one, and tells you where to find the detailed information.

Federal Subsidized Direct Student Loans
A federally-subsidized, need-based loan program. Repayment begins six months after graduation, upon enrollment of less than half-time, or upon withdrawal from the College.

Unsubsidized Direct Student Loans
A federal, non-need-based loan program available to independent students or dependent students whose parents have been denied a PLUS loan. Repayment begins six months after graduation, upon enrollment of less than half-time, or upon withdrawal from the College.

Federal Parent PLUS Program
Supplemental loans to parents of dependent students based on credit application. Repayment begins within 60 days after the loan is fully disbursed.

Alternative/Private Loans
Private supplemental student loans offered by various banks based on a credit application. Most student applicants will require a cosigner.

National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS)
The NSLDS database is the source of information about federal student loans and grants. The NSLDS database provides a centralized, integrated view of federal loans and grants during their complete life cycle, from aid approval through disbursement, repayment, deferment, delinquency, and closure.

Students can access loan and grant information by logging into and viewing their Dashboard.


Brief Description A federal student loan, made through the William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan Program that eligible students borrow directly from the U.S. Department of Education at participating schools. A loan made by the U.S. Department of Education to graduate or professional students and parents of dependent undergraduate students. A nonfederal loan made by a lender such as a bank, credit union, state agency, or school to students; usually with a co-signer. It is intended to supplement a student’s financial aid package.
Lender Department of Ed Department of Ed Private Lender
Annual Amount Maximum amount is determined by grade level (number of credits completed). – See financial aid notification letter. Maximum amount = cost of education minus other financial aid. – See financial aid notification letter. Maximum amount = cost of education minus other financial aid. – See financial aid notification letter.
Interest Rate Fixed rate of 5.50% (Government pays interest on subsidized loans while the student is in school.) Fixed rate of 8.05% Depends on loan chosen from CCS alternative loan list or the Borrower’s lender choice. – Most have a variable rate.
Fees 1.057% origination fee, deducted before disbursement. 4.228% origination fee, deducted before disbursement. Depends on loan chosen. The lender determines the interest rate.
Disbursement Unless otherwise specified, funds are received in 2 equal disbursements, 1 for each semester. Unless special arrangements made with financial aid office, funds are received in 2 equal disbursements, 1 for each semester. Unless special arrangements made with financial aid office, funds are received in 2 equal disbursements, 1 for each semester.
Repayment With in-School deferment, repayment begins 6 months after the student leaves school or drops below 6 credits enrolled. – Several repayment plans are available. Begins 60 days after loan is fully disbursed. Payments can be deferred on request. – Several repayment plans are available. With in-School deferment repayment begins 6 months after student leaves school or drops below 6 credits enrolled. – Students are responsible for contacting their lender to request deferment.
Get more information See Direct Loan info See Plus Loan info See alternative loan info
Get application Completed online/ Completed online See alternative loan info
Future Educator Awards

MI Future Educator Fellowship
The MI Future Educator Fellowship provides financial assistance to our future educators who are admitted and enrolled in an Educator Preparation Program (EPP) approved by the Michigan
Department of Education (MDE). Awards are up to $10,000 annually. For full eligibility requirements, please visit:

MI Future Educator Stipend
The MI Future Educator Stipend provides $9,600 to our future educators who are participating in their required student teaching semester. For full eligibility requirements, please visit:

Work Study Programs

Federal Work-Study Program
The federally-funded program provides on-campus jobs for students demonstrating financial need. Awards will be made to eligible students with remaining need to the extent of available funds on a first-come, first-served basis.

Student Employment Program
The College-funded work program meets campus needs and employs students ineligible under federal work-study programs.

If you have additional questions about work-study or want to see available positions please contact the Office of Financial Aid at 313.664.7495.

View CCS’s open work-study positions

State of Michigan Grants & Scholarships

Michigan Achievement Scholarship

The Michigan Department of Education awards tuition grants and scholarships annually (up to $4,000.00 per academic year) to Michigan residents who meet the eligibility requirements. Learn more and view requirements here.

Michigan Tuition Grant and Michigan Competitive Scholarships

The Michigan Department of Education awards tuition grants and scholarships annually (up to $3,000.00 per academic year) to Michigan residents who demonstrate financial need.

Tuition Incentive Program Phase II

A student becomes eligible for TIP Phase II after earning 56 transferable semester credits (84 transferable term credits), a certificate (minimum of one year), or an associate degree. Phase II
must be completed within 30 months of completion of Phase I requirements. Tip Phase II awards are up to $1,000 annually for 2 years. For full eligibility requirements, please visit:

Children of Veterans Tuition Grant

The Children of Veterans Tuition Grant provides undergraduate tuition assistance to students older than 16 and less than 26 years of age who are the natural or adopted child of a Michigan veteran. The veteran must have died or became totally and permanently disabled as a result of military service. Awards are up to $2,800 annually For full eligibility requirements, please visit:

Grants & Scholarships from Other States

Students who are not residents of Michigan, are encouraged to review their home state’s grant and scholarship office website to see if they may be eligible for state aid to attend the College for Creative Studies.