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Fashion Design

First Semester = 15-16 Credit Hours
Course #Course TitleCredits
SLP 007CCS First Year Experience1
DFN 103Drawing I: Materials and Methods3
Choose One** DFN 120 or DFN 121Design: Color & Context 3D Design Material Manifestation3
FAD 101Fashion Fundamentals: Apparel3
DEN 101Composition I3
DVC 100Introduction to Material Culture3
Second Semester = 15 Credit Hours
Course #Course TitleCredits
DFN 104Drawing II: Drawing as a Practice3
Choose One** DFN 120 DFN 121Design Color & Context 3D Design Material Manifestation 3
DFN 119Digital Techniques3
FAD 102Fashion Fundamentals: Accessories3
DEN 102Composition II3
Third Semester = 15 Credit Hours
Course #Course TitleCredits
FAD 204 Business Anthropology3
FAD 206Intro to Sustainability in Fashion3
FAD 207Fashion Illustration3
FAD 221Sophomore Studio3
Choose OneDAH 201 DAH 202 DAH 200Visual Narration: Asia or Visual Narration: Africa/America3
Fourth Semester = 15 Credit Hours
Course #Course TitleCredits
FAD 205 Collection Design3
DFD 219 Embellished Surfaces3
DDG 252 3D Modeling for Makers3
DAS 213 D--- 200-400Business Practices (or) General Education Elective3
DAH 352History of Fashion3
Fifth Semester = 15 Credit Hours
Course #Course TitleCredits
FAD 301Tech Pack Design3
FAD 309Fashion Brand Management3
FAD 311Junior Studio3
DNS 300-400Natural Science3
DHU ---Humanities Course3
Sixth Semester = 15 Credit Hours
Course #Course TitleCredits
FAD 350Fashion Portfolio3
FAD 305Fashion Trends3
FAD - - -Fashion Elective3
D--- 200-400General Education Elective3
D--- 100-400Open Elective3
Seventh Semester = 15 Credit Hours
Course #Course TitleCredits
FAD 411Senior Studio Pre-Collection3
FAD 401Advanced Collection Design3
FAD ---Fashion Elective3
Choose OneDAH or DVC 200-400 levelArt History (or) Visual Culture Elective3
D--- 200-400General Education Elective 3
Eighth Semester = 15 Credit Hours
Course #Course TitleCredits
FAD 402The Collection3
FAD 422Masterpiece Collection Studio3
FAD ---Fashion Elective3
D--- 200-40General Education Elective 3
D--- 100-400Open Elective3

Catalog Year 24/25  Total Credits: 120-121
*International students that require ELS-101 (4.0 cr); Total Credits = 121/122

Total credits: 121: First Year Experience=1; Foundations=15; Major=63; Gen Ed=36; Elective=6

General Education Electives – Successfully complete any 200-400 level Liberal Arts course (i.e. DHS, DNS, DAH, DAS, DSS, DEN, DLE, DPL, DVC etc)

Open Electives – Successfully complete any (3.0 credit) 100-400 level course from any Undergraduate subject (Studio or Lecture).
This plan is provided for use as a guide only and is based on full-time status with successful completion of credits outlined per semester. Degree Timelines and requirements may vary based on actual program, credits completed per semester and/or catalog year. Students are responsible for confirming completion of all requirements before graduating (use program/student resources to support degree progression). Minimum Cumulative GPA of 2.0 required.

Fashion Accessories Design

First Semester = 15-16 Credit Hours
Course #Course TitleCredits
SLP 007CCS First Year Experience1
DFN 103Drawing I: Materials and Methods3
Choose One** DFN 120 or DFN 121Design: Color & Context 3D Design Material Manifestation3
FAD 101Fashion Fundamentals: Apparel3
DEN 101Composition I3
DVC 100Introduction to Material Culture3
Second Semester = 15 Credit Hours
Course #Course TitleCredits
DFN 104Drawing II: Drawing as a Practice3
Choose One** DFN 120 DFN 121Design Color & Context 3D Design Material Manifestation 3
DFN 119Digital Techniques3
FAD 102Fashion Fundamentals: Accessories3
DEN 102Composition II3
Third Semester = 15 Credit Hours
Course #Course TitleCredits
FAD 201Accessories Design I3
FAD 205Collection Design 3
FAD 206Intro to Sustainability in Fashion3
FAD 207Fashion Accessories Illustration3
DEN 239Survey of World Literature 3
Choose OneDAH 201Visual Narration: Asia Visual Narration: Africa/America3
Fourth Semester = 15 Credit Hours
Course #Course TitleCredits
FAD 202Accessories Design II3
FAD 204Business Anthropology 3
DCR 2523D Modeling for Makers 3
DAS 213Business Practices3
DLE ---General Education Elective3
DAH 352History of Fashion3
Fifth Semester = 15 Credit Hours
Course #Course TitleCredits
FAD 301Tech Pack Design3
FAD 303Intermediate Shoe Making3
FAD 309Fashion Brand Management 3
DNS 300Natural Sciences 3
DVC 200Concepts & Methods / Visual Culture3
Sixth Semester = 15 Credit Hours
Course #Course TitleCredits
FAD 305Fashion Trends 3
FAD ---Fashion Accessories Design Elective3
DME 245Beginning Casting3
DLE ---General Education Elective3
D-- ---Elective3
Seventh Semester = 15 Credit Hours
Course #Course TitleCredits
FAD 401Advanced Collection Design3
FAD 403Advanced Shoe Making3
FAD ---Fashion Accessories Design Elective3
Choose OneDAH** --- or DVC*** ---Art History Visual Culture Elective3
DLE ---General Education Elective3
Eighth Semester = 15 Credit Hours
Course #Course TitleCredits
FAD 402Final Collection Design 3
FAD 404Fashion Buying and Merchandising 3
FAD ---Fashion Accessories Design Elective3
DLE ---General education Elective3
D-- ---Elective3

Catalog Year 24/25  Total Credits: 120-121
*International students that require ELS-101 (4.0 cr); Total Credits = 121/122

Total credits: 121: First Year Experience=1; Foundations=15; Major=63; Gen Ed=36; Elective=6

General Education Electives – Successfully complete any 200-400 level Liberal Arts course (i.e. DHS, DNS, DAH, DAS, DSS, DEN, DLE, DPL, DVC etc)

Open Electives – Successfully complete any (3.0 credit) 100-400 level course from any Undergraduate subject (Studio or Lecture).
This plan is provided for use as a guide only and is based on full-time status with successful completion of credits outlined per semester. Degree Timelines and requirements may vary based on actual program, credits completed per semester and/or catalog year. Students are responsible for confirming completion of all requirements before graduating (use program/student resources to support degree progression). Minimum Cumulative GPA of 2.0 required.

Vision Statement

Our Vision is local turning global. In a world where location can be the make or break of a young creative we see the need for a haven in the most unlikely place.

Detroit with its rich history is and will be the perfect location for it. Promoting talent that sees Detroit as their home is a big part of this vision. We want to teach our students that they matter, their communities matter and that a move to a “better” location does not always equal success. The students’ success is dependent on their work attitude and their belief they can do it, no matter where they are.

We want the Fashion Department to become one of the strongest fashion programs in the country, a program that students want to be part of and create a new legacy not only for them but also for the city of Detroit.

We want to make the city competitive as well, not only on the education side but also for the commercial side. Having talent graduating from our program and making Detroit their homebase will help to rejuvenate the local industry, we promote healthy competition and collaboration. Creating a whole new industry for CCS and the city to then venture into the national and international market promoting the “Detroit Renaissance”.

Mission Statement

Our CCS fashion department mission is to train students for national and international success in all aspects of fashion. By combining the fundamentals of construction with the exuberance of conceptual thinking, our students will find their own pathway and methods to unlock their full potential. Through exploring the thinking, designing and making with a fundamental understanding of themselves, as well as the community they desire to address, our new era of thinkers are encouraged to excel within the fashion industry and beyond.

Program Learning Outcomes (PLO)

Students completing the Fashion Design program at CCS will be able to:

  1. Design collections by using various manual and digital drawing techniques; illustrate innovative production-ready design packages.
  1. Construct designs by using professional, state-of-the-art technology, while translating two-dimensional design into three-dimensional items.
  1. Apply trend research and analysis to innovative fashion design in response to the needs of the consumer and to evolving socio-cultural and global opportunities.
  1. Collaborate in multidisciplinary project teams and articulate ideas and design concepts verbally and visually to any given audience.
  1. Identify supply chain and fashion business elements, including Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and sustainability principles.