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First Semester = 15-16 Credit Hours
Course #Course TitleCredits
SLP 007CCS First Year Experience1
DFN 1172D Design Principles3
DFN 119Digital Techniques3
DFN 101Drawing I: Rapid Concept3
DMA 120Creative Visualization3
DVC 100Introduction to Material Culture3
Second Semester = 15 Credit Hours
Course #Course TitleCredits
DFN 132Process & Making3
DFN 112Drawing II: Style & Skill3
DMA 101Animation I3
DMA 217Intro to 3D Computer Graphics3
DEN 101Composition I3
Third Semester = 15 Credit Hours
Course #Course TitleCredits
Choose OneDMA 201 DMA 234Animation II Modeling & Texturing3
DMA 2112D Digital Animation3
DMA 243Animation Nuts & Bolts
DAH 214History of Animation & Digital Media3
DEN 102Composition II3
Fourth Semester = 15 Credit Hours
Course #Course TitleCredits
Choose OneFLM 106 DMA 270Intro to Filmmaking Animation Production3
DMA 230Experimental Animation I3
DMA 232Drawing Tech for Visual Media3
Choose OneDMA 202 DMA 228 DMA 302 DMA 317Animation III Stop Motion I Storyboarding for Film/Animation Computer Character Animation I3
Choose OneDAH 201 DAH 202 DAH 200Visual Narration: Asia Visual Narration: Africa/America Western Art History/Visual Culture3
Fifth Semester = 15 Credit Hours
Course #Course TitleCredits
DMA 348Animation Projects I3
DMA 233Environments & Characters3
DMA---Entertainment Arts Elective3
DHU ---Humanities Course3
D-- 200-400 DAS 213General Education Elective (or) Business Practices3
Sixth Semester = 15 Credit Hours
Course #Course TitleCredits
DMA 349Animation Projects II3
DMA 333Advanced Story Concepts3
DMA ---Entertainment Arts Elective3
D--- 200-400General Education Elective 3
DNS 200-400Natural Science 3
Seventh Semester = 15 Credit Hours
Course #Course TitleCredits
DMA 410Senior Production Studio I3
DMA ---Entertainment Arts Elective3
D--- 200-400General Education Elective 3
Choose OneDAH or DVC 200-400 levelArt History Visual Culture Elective 3
D--- 100-400Open Elective3
Eighth Semester = 15 Credit Hours
Course #Course TitleCredits
DMA 420Senior Production Studio II3
DMA 424Professional Futures I3
D--- 200-400General Education Elective 3
D--- 200-400General Education Elective 3
D--- 100-400Open Elective3

Catalog Year 24/25 | Total Credits : 120-121
 *International students that require ELS-101 (4.0 cr); Total Credits = 121/122

First Year Experience=1; Foundations=15; Major=60; Gen Ed=39; Elective=6

Animation Electives

DMA 202Animation IIIDMA 302Storyboarding for Film/Animation
DMA 2122D Digital Animation IIDMA 312Sound Design I
DMA 228Stop Motion IDMA 322Sound Design II
DMA 235Playing the SelfDMA 328Stop Motion II
DMA 256Lighting & RenderingDMA 347Computer Character Animation II
DIL 147Figure Illustration I

General Education Electives – Successfully complete any 200-400 level Liberal Arts course (i.e. DHS, DNS, DAH, DAS, DSS, DEN, DLE, DPL, DVC etc)

Open Electives – Successfully complete any (3.0 credit) 100-400 level course from any Undergraduate subject (Studio or Lecture).
This plan is provided for use as a guide only and is based on full-time status with successful completion of credits outlined per semester. Degree Timelines and requirements may vary based on actual program, credits completed per semester and/or catalog year. Students are responsible for confirming completion of all requirements before graduating (use program/student resources to support degree progression). Minimum Cumulative GPA of 2.0 required.

Concept Design

First Semester = 15-16 Credit Hours
Course #Course TitleCredits
SLP 007CCS First Year Experience1
DFN 101Drawing I: Rapid Concept3
DFN 1172D Design Principles
DFN 119Digital Techniques3
DMA 105Design Process 13
DVC 100Introduction to Material Culture3
Second Semester = 15 Credit Hours
Course #Course TitleCredits
DFN 112Drawing II: Style & Skill3
DFN 132Process & Making3
DMA 106Design Process 23
DMA 108Intro to Modo3
DEN 101Composition I3
Third Semester = 15 Credit Hours
Course #Course TitleCredits
DMA 257VisCom 3 Material Indication3
DMA 237Concept ID3
DMA 208Intro to Digital 3D II3
DEN 102Composition II3
DAH 215 DAH 216History of Film (or) History of Video Games3
Fourth Semester = 15 Credit Hours
Course #Course TitleCredits
DMA 258VisCom 4 Compositing3
DMA 259Color Theory3
DMA 245Game: Concepts & Technology3
DIL 246Anatomical Figure Illustration3
Choose OneDAH 201 DAH 202 DAH 200Visual Narration: Africa Visual Narration: Asia Western Art History/Visual Culture3
Fifth Semester = 15 Credit Hours
Course #Course TitleCredits
DMA 357VisComm 5 Zbrush3
DMA 360Architecture 13
DMA 362Vehicles and Props3
DAS 213Business Practices3
DHU ---Humanities Course3
Sixth Semester = 15 Credit Hours
Course #Course TitleCredits
DMA 358VisComm 6 Dramatic Narrative3
DMA 361Architecture 23
DMA 363Character Design3
D--- 200-400General Education Elective 3
DNS 200-400Natural Science 3
Seventh Semester = 15 Credit Hours
Course #Course TitleCredits
DMA 430Senior Concept Studio 13
DMA 457VisComm 7 3
D--- 200-400General Education Elective 3
Choose OneDAH or DVC 200-400 levelArt History (or) Visual Culture Elective3
D--- 100-400Open Elective
Eighth Semester = 15 Credit Hours
Course #Course TitleCredits
DMA 431Senior Concept Studio 23
DMA 458VisComm 8 Adv Rendering Techniques3
D--- 200-400General Education Elective 3
D--- 200-400General Education Elective 3
D--- 100-400Open Elective3

Catalog Year 24/25  Total Credits 120-121
*International students that require ELS-101 (4.0 cr); Total Credits = 121/122

First Year Experience=1; Foundations=15; Major=60; Gen Ed=39; Elective=6

General Education Electives – Successfully complete any 200-400 level Liberal Arts course (i.e. DHS, DNS, DAH, DAS, DSS, DEN, DLE, DPL, DVC etc)

Open Electives – Successfully complete any (3.0 credit) 100-400 level course from any Undergraduate subject (Studio or Lecture).
This plan is provided for use as a guide only and is based on full-time status with successful completion of credits outlined per semester. Degree Timelines and requirements may vary based on actual program, credits completed per semester and/or catalog year. Students are responsible for confirming completion of all requirements before graduating (use program/student resources to support degree progression). Minimum Cumulative GPA of 2.0 required.

Game Design

First Semester = 15-16 Credit Hours
Course #Course TitleCredits
SLP 007CCS First Year Experience1
DFN 101Drawing i: Rapid Concept3
DFN 119Digital Techniques3
DFN 107Game Ideation3
DMA 217Intro to 3D Computer Graphics3
DVC 100Introduction to Material Culture3
Second Semester = 15 Credit Hours
Course #Course TitleCredits
DFN 132Process & Making3
DFN 112Drawing II: Style & Skill3
DFN 1172D Design Principles3
DMA 234Modeling & Texturing3
DEN 101Composition I3
Third Semester = 15 Credit Hours
Course #Course TitleCredits
DMA 233Environments & Characters3
DMA 246Game Art I3
Choose OneDMA 245 DMA 297Game: Concept and Technology Intermediate 3D Computer Graphics3
DAH 216History of Video Games3
DEN 102Composition II3
Fourth Semester = 15 Credit Hours
Course #Course TitleCredits
DMA 247Game Art II3
Choose OneDMA 248 DMA 232 DMA 317Game: Concepts & Technology II Drawing Tech for Visual Media Computer Character Animation I3
DMA 256Lighting & Rendering3
DMA 341Digital Character Sculpting3
Choose OneDAH 201 DAH 202 DAH 200Visual Narration: Asia Visual Narration: Africa Western Art History/Visual Culture3
Fifth Semester = 15 Credit Hours
Course #Course TitleCredits
Choose OneDMA---Entertainment Arts Elective
DMA 381Hard Surface Sculpting3
DMA 329Advanced Computer Generated Environments3
Choose OneDMA 339Game Projects I3
DAH 316History of Video Games3
DAS 213Business Practices3
Sixth Semester = 15 Credit Hours
Course #Course TitleCredits
DMA 340Game Projects II3
DMA 364Game Thesis Design & Management3
DMA ---Entertainment Arts Elective3
DLE ---General Education Elective 3
DNS 300Natural Science 3
Seventh Semester = 15 Credit Hours
Course #Course TitleCredits
DMA 403Game Trend3
DMA 413Game Senior Studio I3
DLE ---General Education Elective 3
Choose OneDAH** --- or DVC** ---Art History Visual Culture Elective 3
D- - - - -Elective3
Eighth Semester = 15 Credit Hours
Course #Course TitleCredits
DMA 414Game Senior Studio II3
DMA 428Game Professional Futures II3
DLE ---General Education Elective 3
DLE ---General Education Elective 3
D- - - - -Elective3

Catalog Year 24/25  Total Credits: 120-121
*International students that require ELS-101 (4.0 cr); Total Credits = 121/122

First Year Experience=1; Foundations=15; Major=60; Gen Ed=39; Elective=6

Game Design Electives

DMA 101Animation IDMA 312Sound Design I
DMA 2112D Digital Animation DMA 328Stop Motion II
DMA 228Stop Motion IDMA 351Advanced Creature Creation
DMA 230Experimental AnimationDIL 147Figure Illustration
DMA 235Playing the SelfDIL 246Anatomical Figure Illustration
DMA 309Concept Design

General Education Electives – Successfully complete any 200-400 level Liberal Arts course (i.e. DHS, DNS, DAH, DAS, DSS, DEN, DLE, DPL, DVC etc)

Open Electives – Successfully complete any (3.0 credit) 100-400 level course from any Undergraduate subject (Studio or Lecture).
This plan is provided for use as a guide only and is based on full-time status with successful completion of credits outlined per semester. Degree Timelines and requirements may vary based on actual program, credits completed per semester and/or catalog year. Students are responsible for confirming completion of all requirements before graduating (use program/student resources to support degree progression). Minimum Cumulative GPA of 2.0 required.