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Right Sized

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Dan Shapiro
Thesis Select 2022

Project Information

Right Sized presents a realistic systemic approach to transition society into smaller ‘right-sized’ vehicles. Using threats of impending environmental doom to guilt or scare drivers out of excessively large vehicles simply does not work. Instead, this holistically considered project entices drivers into smaller vehicles by offering a perfect blend of individual style, appropriate utility, new technical amenities, and unprecedented convenience that larger vehicles simply cannot provide. It does all this while also adressing concerns of safety through systemic integration between the vehicle and its surrounding smart-city infrastructure.

Phase 1

Research + Concept

About this Phase

In the Research + Concept phase students adopt a cyclical pattern of formulating questions and simultaneously attempting to answer them through investigation, experimentation and insight formation. As this pattern is continually repeated and refined, conceptual opportunities are identified and defined into formal concept statements and actionable design criteria.

Phase 2


About this Phase

In the Development phase students explore, experiment, ideate, iterate, test and evaluate a variety of thematic innovations and executions (both functional and aesthetic) in a variety of processes including 2D, 3D, and 4D sketching, sketch-modeling, sketch-rendering, and animated prototyping. This process, often non-linear and again cyclical, is used to determine viable design directions which most appropriately address the conceptual intent

Phase 3

Finalization & Presentation

About this Phase

In the Finalization & Presentation phase students are tasked to continually narrow and hone their development process of a single design direction towards final design refinement. Here all aspects of the design (conceptual, functional, aesthetic) are resolved and refined in detail to the highest degree of sophistication and craft. Final design solutions are then optimally showcased in the creation of highly detailed 3D models, rendered images/posters, and video animations – all of which highlights final design execution and storytelling of conceptual intent.