Average number of hours of supervised clinical experience
Each Art education student completes a minimum of 640 hours of supervised clinical experience – 320 elementary, 320 secondary.
Number of full-time equivalent faculty and students in the supervised clinical experience
- 6 student teachers from August 2022 to May 2023
- 6 placements with 12 full-time master teachers mentoring
- 1 CCS Art Education Department faculty supervises the students
Total number of students who have been certified or licensed as teachers
- 2014/2015: 5
- 2015/2016: 8
- 2016/2017: 8
- 2017/2018: 5
- 2018/2019: 6
- 2019/2020: 6
- 2020/2021: 8
- 2021/2022: 7
- 2022/2023: 5
Disaggregated by subject and area number of certification or licensure
The College for Creative Studies offers teacher certification in one content area, Visual Arts Education. Current number of students accepted into the Art Education Program is 45.
2022/2023 enrollment disaggregated by race, ethnicity, and gender
45 total students enrolled in Art Ed:
- 40 Female
- 5 Male
- 24 White
- 8 Black/African American
- 3 Hispanic
- 3 Asian
- 0 American Indian/Alaskan
- 2 Multi-Racial
- 5 Not Indicated