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Footage provided by the Charles H. Wright Museum of African American History & Ackeem Salmon

Project Information

The d.Tree Studio is a collaboration between the Charles H.Wright Museum of African American History (the Wright Museum) and College for Creative Studies (CCS), co-founded by the Wright’s Chief Sustainability Officer Leslie Tom, and the CCS Dean of Graduate Studies, Ian Lambert, who also taught the class.

The studio used wood harvested from dying Zelkova trees from the Wright Museum to explore the interconnection between object making, belonging and storytelling in African American History and various African material cultures. An urban tree’s place, location, and role as a cultural landmark can be embodied in the artifacts it becomes. Under the storytelling direction of the Wright Museum, students engaged in socio-cultural themes that informed the design and making of objects that embody sensitive and relevant narratives aligned to various African American heritages and contemporary experiences.

  • Kelsey Bailey (Illustration)
  • Francis Bazil (Product Design)
  • Jasmine Brown (GS-CMD)
  • Olivia Holt (Product Design)
  • Faith Serio (Illustration)


  • Conceptual Art
  • Color Design
  • Woodworking