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Max Paddock

Entertainment Arts

View some of Max Paddock‘s work

Graduating with a major in Entertainment Arts: Animation and minors in Illustration and Creative Writing, I am a storyboard artist, character artist, and animator. Ever since I was little, I enjoyed telling stories and helping others. As I grew up, I began to draw, which led me to write stories for the drawings. One day it hit me – I could animate what I’m drawing just like the shows and movies I loved watching. Since then, I have been drawing and writing every day. With my experiences as an RA, Peer Tutor, and other various jobs around campus, I have learned the importance of sharing our stories and connecting with each other. I’m extremely fascinated how film can invoke a feeling in others, as well as convey an entertaining story. I have learned how important it is for everyone to have an escape from the troubles around them and find a way to laugh, especially now more than ever.

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